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24 November 2021

Annual summary of Anti-doping activities 2021

Following the publication of the new UK Anti-Doping Assurance Framework in April 2021, the Weightlifting Wales board of directors re-confirmed the National Governing Bodies adoption of the UK Anti-Doping rules in full and without amendment.

In June, at a full board meeting, Simon Roach, Strategy and Development Manager was appointed as the Anti-Doping Lead and Gareth Evans, athlete representative to the board appointed as Board Anti-Doping Lead.

The Strategy and Development sub-group which reports to the full board is working towards the requirements of the new Anti-Doping Assurance Framework to ensure full compliance by April 2022. WW has provided evidence to 80% of the UKAD Assurance Framework requirements, evidence has been assessed and approved by UKAD.

Weightlifting Wales has produced a new Clean Sport Education Strategy, which is currently being implement via the WW UKAD Educators. The NGB mandatory groups, such as Testing pool athletes and Development athletes have received various forms of educational training, inclusive of the:-

- Grand Prix Development Team

- Commonwealth Games long list

- South Wales Development Squad

- North Wales Development Squad

Educational reach to parents, club coaches, recreational athletes and non-competitive members has taken place via the WW social media channels, email and website such as:-

- Covid Lockdown UKAD Social media campaigns

- Social media and email updates, e.g. prohibited list changes

- Website updates and news items

- Membership newsletters

Three directors have attended UKAD workshops designed to support board members to maintain a culture of clean sport. The Board Anti-Doping Lead has attended several training sessions. The Anti-Doping Lead and WW UKAD Educators have attended educational training.

By 31st December 2021, 100% of the UKAD Assurance Framework requirements will be met, with WW going above and beyond the mandatory requirements in some areas.

The core anti-doping information for all members of Weightlifting Wales and those associated with the NGB (athletes, coaches, parents, technical officials, volunteers, staff, directors and supporters) may be found here