18 May 2023
1 June 2023
Weightlifting Wales marks Volunteers’ Week 2023
2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when Weightlifting Wales will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations to recognise the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to get involved in volunteering at events in Wales.
The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so Weightlifting Wales is taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to the Weightlifting community.
This Volunteers’ Week, Weightlifting Wales will be celebrating its Technical Official volunteers, by sharing their experiences of volunteering at local, national and international events.
We will highlight the benefits they have felt and the moments they have been able to experience while volunteering across our Facebook and Instagram channels from the 1st to the 7th of June – so make sure not to miss it!
Strategy and Development Manger, Simon Roach said: “Volunteers' Week is a chance to celebrate and recognise the fantastic contribution our volunteers make. Thanks to them the Weightlifting community benefits from a diverse and exciting annual events calendar, which supports athletes of all ages and abilities. From competitions organised at clubs and academies to our National Championships, Weightlifting Wales relies heavily on volunteer Technical officials and truly appreciates their time, efforts and friendships”