31 December 2024
4 February 2025
A brief summary report of the activities undertaken by Weightlifting Wales across 2024 to ensure the governing body keeps to it's anti-doping standards.
Weightlifting Wales believes in clean sport and works in partnership with UK Anti-Doping(UKAD) and our International Federation (IF) to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected in the fight against doping. We enforce a strict zero-tolerance approach to doping and conduct a full anti-doping programme that covers the vital areas of raising awareness, education, testing (both in and out of competition) and results management. We believe that education, as a prevention strategy, will help to promote the values of clean sport and preserve the spirit of the sport.
We adhere to the UK National Anti-Doping Policy which is an essential document, setting out the roles and responsibilities of organisations in the UK, including UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), the Sports Councils and National Governing Bodies. The Assurance Framework is used by UKAD to assess NGB compliance against several mandatory requirements.
Weightlifting Wales completes an annual submission providing information and evidence of our compliance with the Assurance Framework requirements, we continually review and amend where necessary in our Clean Sport Education Strategy and Implementation Plan. Weightlifting Wales has continued with their on-going support and compliance to successfully evidence the 24 requirements within the UKAD Assurance Framework.
To demonstrate Weightlifting Wales commitment to clean sport there has been regular, pro-active communications on anti-doping to pathway athletes, athlete support Personnel and the Welsh membership. A variety of communication has taken place, such as in-person educational workshops, key topics communicated through emails, social media campaigns, website updates, news items and Clean Sport Week.
Communications have promoted a variety of important UKAD topics, such as Global DRO, Informed Sport, Anti-Doping Rule Violations and the World Anti-Doping Agency 2024 prohibited list, including the summary of changes. This information can be found on the Weightlifting Wales website. Educational reach has taken place via the Weightlifting Wales social media channels, email and website, we have sent information to all our members and affiliated clubs on matters regarding anti-doping to ensure everyone is up to date on the latest changes. We have referred members to the Clean Sport Hub to undertake the Coach Clean, Introduction to Clean Sport and Compete Clean+, this allows easier access and with tailored courses for athletes, coaches, parents, support staff and anyone who is interested in protecting clean sport.
Pathway athletes receive training over an 18-month period covering various topics from the Weightlifting Wales Clean Sport Education Strategy. Training is delivered by the Weightlifting Wales, UKAD Educators.
To support the UKAD testing programme and to ensure that a robust and effective testing programme continues to be delivered in Weightlifting, the National Governing Body supports the UKAD Assurance Framework with annual information gathering for testing.
The core anti-doping information for all members of Weightlifting Wales and those associated with the NGB (athletes, coaches, parents, technical officials, volunteers, staff, directors and supporters) may be found here.
Weightlifting Wales clean sport priorities include: