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29 August 2024

New Wave Weightlifting benefit from Sport Wales Be Active Wales Fund and Weight Lifting Foundation Grant

August's success news story comes from a local community Weightlifting club in North Wales being the beneficiaries of a grant from the Sport Wales Be Active Wales Fund for equipment use, as well as from the Weight Lifting Foundation.

Weightlifting Wales is delighted that New Wave Weightlifting has been able to benefit from two separate grants being awarded to them from the Sport Wales Be Active Wales Fund and Weight Lifting Foundation in line with the replacing of broken equipment and the expansion of the New Wave Weightlifting training building facility.

The club has enjoyed positive growth and the grants will enable the club to continue producing positive impacts for the local community.

Head Coach Holly Knowles explained that “the Be Active Wales Grant and Weight Lifting Foundation Grant will significantly enhance participation within New Wave Weightlifting.”

The club does currently have junior as well as adult sections, but progress has been constrained due to limited access to equipment.

“Most of our existing equipment is second-hand and has been in use for several years,” Holly stated. “Despite our efforts to maintain these items in a safe condition, some equipment has been removed due to breakage. The Be Active Wales grant will allow us to replace essential items such as barbells, bumper plates, and squat racks that we have previously had to discard." There is an understanding that the additional grant being awarded from the Weight Lifting Foundation will be used on the cost for the existing building of New Wave Weightlifting's training facility being expanded into next door.

Weightlifting Wales is thrilled that the club can utilise the grants to continue and enhance its offering, having fostered such a community-focused environment already.

“Our club boasts a diverse group of lifters,” Holly continued, “ranging from total beginners to masters lifters and Welsh development lifters. The sense of community within the club is exceptional; we regularly see a mix of juniors and adults coming together for social training sessions on Saturday mornings. It is encouraging to witness the mutual support and shared learning among our members.”

The grants will also enable New Wave Weightlifting lifters to carry on their progression and continue featuring in competitive settings, while also allowing the club to roll out the hugely successful Raise the Bar programme from their facility.

“The majority of our athletes, both junior and adult, actively compete. The club has encouraged people with various co-morbidities and disabilities to get involved in weightlifting, resulting in some stepping on the platform,” Holly confirmed.

“Our recent participation in the Welsh Academy Open in Bangor was a tremendous success for all involved. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming competitions for both our adult and junior teams in October.

"With the new equipment and the planned expansion of our training facility, we aim to launch the Raise the Bar scheme before the end of the year. This expansion will provide us with the necessary space to accommodate this.”

Weightlifting Wales Strategy and Development Manager, Simon Roach, shared his congratulations of the news on behalf of the governing body by adding:

“Weightlifting Wales has been delighted to support both the Sport Wales Be Active Wales funding and Weight Lifting Foundation grant for New Wave Weightlifting.

“The club has worked closely with the National Governing Body to grow and develop participation levels. New Wave Weightlifting offers a safe and inclusive environment where long-term athlete development is a key factor within their growing weightlifting community.

“We are looking forward to seeing continued club success at both Welsh and British events.”