19 May 2021
20 May 2021
Weightlifting Challenge “Powers Up” College Competition
ColegauCymru and Weightlifting Wales to launch Power Up FE, a new weightlifting challenge for FE learners in the summer term of 2021.
This competition is designed to provide sports academy learners and those already lifting competitively with an opportunity to compete against each other in safe educational settings.
ColegauCymru Sport Project Manager Rob Baynham said, “We’re excited to be able to reintroduce competition into college settings, which will be a welcome boost as we slowly emerge from the Pandemic restrictions of the winter. We have seen both leaners and staff face a challenging 12 months and are keen to support them to safely return to engaging in various physical activities.”
Simon Roach of Welsh Weightlifting added, “We’re delighted to support this timely competition.
Welsh Weightlifting promotes health, well-being and fitness through strength training, which closely aligns with the ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Strategy.”
The competition will take place in supervised college strength and conditioning sessions with results collated remotely to avoid the need for face-to-face competition between colleges. The finals will take place between 26 May and 11 June, with the results announced shortly thereafter. We are grateful to competition sponsors SBD and Pullum for their support.
ColegauCymru is committed to supporting staff and learners as colleges continue to adapt to a new normal and as they return to sport and other physical and active wellbeing activities.
Colleges can enter as many learners as they wish under three team categories in teams of 4:
Team points are calculated from two lifts, the deadlift and the clean and push.
The team with the best total points overall will receive a bar courtesy of our sponsors Pullum sports.
The best male and female individual lifters taken from team results will win a gift package from SBD Apparel.